Nestled amidst the untamed beauty of Bowen Island lies a hidden sanctuary—a rare and extraordinary 10-acre estate that promises a life of serene luxury and boundless possibility. This is no ordinary property; it is a haven for dreamers and adventurers alike, where the whisper of the ocean and the rustle of the forest become your daily companions.Nestled amidst the untamed beauty of Bowen Island lies a hidden sanctuary—a rare and extraordinary 10-acre estate that promises a life of serene luxury and boundless possibility. This is no ordinary property; it is a haven for dreamers and adventurers alike, where the whisper of the ocean and the rustle of the forest become your daily companions.This is more than a property; it’s a canvas for your imagination, a story waiting to be written.
53480 BRIDAL FALLS ROAD, Chilliwack, BC V0X 1X1
53480 BRIDAL FALLS ROAD, Chilliwack, BC V0X 1X1 Details3506 DANIELSON DRIVE, Coquitlam, BC V3E 3H2
3506 DANIELSON DRIVE, Coquitlam, BC V3E 3H2 Details